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Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Treats

Aloha Everyone,

As we are now counting down the number of days remaining in the Philippines, J.J. has a few Filipino food he would like to enjoy again.

Seeing a large lechon or Filipino roast pig being delivered, J.J. asked if he could purchase a half kilo. The proprietor obliged and next thing you know, the seller was surrounded by other eager buyers.

Not wanted to witness any butchering of the pig, I walked away. A woman was selling roast beef package lunches. I told her that I am vegetarian. She smiled and said, a small bite of roast beef is healthy for you :-). J.J. bought a couple of small slices for me.

Before leaving the Legaspi Sunday Market, we purchased our favorite bibingka (coconuts rice cake with egg). It takes approximately 15-30 minutes to bake one over the hot charcoal fire. The bibingka maker said he usually makes 200 pieces or until they ran out of eggs.

Aloha -- Cathi