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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Yellow-headed Black Bird

Aloha Everyone,

J.J. and I had an exciting sighting of a male Yellow-headed Black Bird at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. (BRMBR). It is a beautiful and distinctive bird featured on the cover of the BRMBR brochure. Perched on top of a reed proudly displaying his bright yellow head and a long conical bill, he stayed long enough for me to observe him with binoculars and take photos.

This is actually our 3rd visit to one of the best bird sanctuaries. What makes the refuge attractive to avian visitors is its variety of habitats. Today J.J. and I were alarmed at the low level of open water and wetlands. According to the information pamphlet, “There are more than 41,000 acres of freshwater wetlands.” Even mudflats which are covered with water at high tide appeared parched and their surface were cracked.

Based on the Utah government website:
“Abnormal dryness or drought are currently affecting approximately 2,764,000 people in Utah.”
Summer weather in Utah is typically dry followed by short periods of wet weather called monsoon. The monsoon means higher humidity, more clouds, more thunderstorms and more rain. For the sake of Utahan, including birds and other living creatures, we hope this summer will bring a good monsoon season to replenish the state’s low water supply.

Aloha -- Cathi