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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Frikadeller (Danish Meatballs)

Aloha Everyone,

Our connection to Denmark is multifaceted and that includes Danish foods.

When I mentioned to my daughter-in-law that I would like to make Danish meatballs she quickly agreed and obtained the necessary ingredients through Whole Foods/Amazon Prime. What I didn’t expect is that my daughter-in-law actually has Eva’s recipe. In my own handwriting, my daughter-in-law recalls receiving it on her bridal shower along with other recipes.

Eva was our younger son Jeff’s Danish Godmother and an outstanding cook. Recalling many happy holiday times we spent with Eva and Svend (Eva’s husband and Jeff’s Godfather), I was eager to get started.

Preparing the Danish Meatballs with J.J.’s help was walking back into memory lane. I think the end product tasted even better because of the story behind it.

Aloha -- Cathi