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Sunday, January 28, 2018

La Jolla Tide Pools

Aloha Everyone,
La Jolla tide pools are considered among the best in Southern California. We decided to visit one as part of our Sunday activities.

November to March is a good time. This is when the low and minus tides happen during the day — a perfect opportunity for families with young children to explore. Today’s lowest tide was to occur at 12:30 pm.  

Sunday beach goers were scattered along the coastline enjoying the gorgeous early summer-like weather.
With my son and granddaughter leading the way, we walked pass Scripps Pier toward Dike Rock. The name, Dike Rock is fitting because big and small rock formations are scattered within the sandy environment thereby attracting juvenile fish, gobies, lobsters, California sea hares, snails and anemones.

While I am pretty confident of my balance, little children, including my granddaughter climbed and jumped from rock to slippery rock calling out the amazing discoveries they were making. My granddaughter spotted a pod of dolphins beyond the  breaking surf. She likewise noticed a group of small children trying to ply out an octopus hiding under a rock.

A group of students from the Marine Conservation Studies, University of California San Diego were surveying to record changing patterns of tides and how they affect sea life migration. Conversing with one of the students, I learned that this is done once a year. A few years ago, the student commented that there were many star fish in the tide pools but today none was found.

Aloha -- Cathi