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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Hazard on the Streets

Aloha Everyone,

Every time I step out of our room, then onto residential streets in the neighborhood of Extended Stay America (ESA), I kiss J.J. and ask him to wish me luck. 

This area (Del Amo Fashion Square) is upper-middle class with single-family residences valued at $850,000 to $1,200,000.

There are no street shootings, gang violence or homeless people. Having a fire department located adjacent to ESA is comforting.  So what are hazards on the street that I have to pay attention and be alert for?

Steep driveways are dangerous especially when home owners are already sitting in their cars and upon opening garage doors. Some drive out without verifying whether the path is clear.

Walking the same streets is advantageous. I know which home owners have their lawn sprinklers on. Where are badly patched cracks on sidewalks and where they maybe excess water pool.

Other early morning joggers are courteous but not dog owners. I am grateful my ability to do my daily walks and aim to stay fit and healthy.

Aloha -- Cathi