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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Icy Straight Point (Hoonah)

Aloha Everyone,

According to information provided by the Alaskan Tourism industry, Hoonah translates to “where the North wind doesn’t blow” in Tlingit Indian language. About 70% of the population on the leeward (downwind) side of Chichagof Island are Tlingit Indians.

A short gondola ride deposited us at the reconstructed community of Hoonah, Alaska’s largest Tlingit Village. Great photo taking opportunities including a restored 1912 salmon cannery, nature trails, museums, restaurants, hotels and finally, the world’s largest Zip Rider which included screeching sounds.

J.J. and I met a family who were traveling with their two children. One father confided to us that his son is not interested in the history or culture of the Hoonah. But they spent nearly an hour skipping stoned at the rocky beach. Reminded us of the time when J.J. showed our sons how to skip stones on the frozen surface of a lake in northern Italy.

Aloha -- Cathi