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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Activities with Jim & Susan

Aloha Everyone,

Jim feeds wild birds, deer and whatever else that fly or walks into their property. This morning, I saw about 30 ducks circling in the air before they descended into his yard to feast on corn. Jim spends upward of $1,000 a year on feeds.

Every county in Texas has at least one cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery (HTC). The HTC designation is an official recognition of family and community graveyards. Port O’Connor cemetery was like a visit to a museum. POC cemetery is open and beautifully manicured. It seems very conducive for families to visit long gone ancestors.

While looking for the Chamber of Commerce office, we walked into Salt Blossom, a charming shop and met the owner, Beverly Clifton.

There are 3 churches in Port O’-Connor.

Fisherman’s Chapel

St.Joseph Catholic Church

First Baptist Church

Jim is a sports fisherman and sports hunter with bow and arrows. Both require specialized equipments as well as training and skills. He also showed me some of his diving paraphernalia. I couldn’t even lift his diving vest. I guess in addition to being fit, it helps to be of a certain stature and courage to come face-to-face with Hammerhead Sharks!

Among the more tame activities, I danced Zumba with Jim and Susan and attempted to do Wii Balling.  After my ball kept on rolling along the gutter, Jim resigned as my coach :-/

Aloha -- Cathi